Be Proactive About Advance Directives
Advance directives allow you to designate trusted decision makers and make your intentions known in the case of your incapacitation or illness. Establishing advance directives at the same time as your will and other estate documents is a proactive move that helps you avoid a possible guardianship down the road.
Trusted Representation For Saratoga Residents
For over 20 years, the attorneys at Riddell Law Group have helped Saratoga-area clients legally record advance directives as part of their estate plan. Teaming up with an attorney to legally record your wishes helps to adequately take care of your affairs by stating your health care directives in advance. Here are advance directive declarations that every estate plan should have.
Power Of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal instrument that allows you to designate whom you would like to take care of your affairs. This document is used to grant authority to trusted individuals or corporations to carry out specific responsibilities with your best interests in mind. Here are some of the common areas dealt with in power of attorney documents:
- Health care decisions
- Financial concerns
- Transactional representation
Types of power of attorney include:
- Limited: Limited power of attorney grants the agent named in the document the authority to complete one task, such as a home sale.
- General: General power of attorney gives the designee broad authority to handle a variety of specific tasks named in the document, such as paying bills, investing money and designating medical care.
- Durable: One of the most common types of power of attorney, this document stays valid even if you become incapacitated in the future.
Living Will
Including a living will in your advance directives gives family and medical personnel a direct and official document about your life support choices. While it may not be pleasant to talk about becoming debilitated or critically ill, it is essential to legally establish advance directives about whom you want to administrate your affairs and make medical decisions if you were unable to do so.
Contact Us
At the Riddell Law Group, our focus on estate law helps us to be an effective resource to help you articulate your choices. Call us at 941-366-1300 to schedule an initial consultation or reach us online.